Weatherization: Five Fast Facts

Each year on October 30th we join the Energy Department in celebrating Weatherization Day. Weatherization Day is a salute to the noble public policy mission undertaken by the Energy Department’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and network of weatherization providers, dedicated home energy professionals and the millions of families the program serves. Weatherization programs reduce energy costs for families while providing them with safe homes and a sound environment in which to live. Weatherized homes improve the overall health and safety of residents while decreasing missed days home from school and work. The programs also help the nation reduce its carbon footprint. Here are five fast facts you need to know about the benefits of weatherizing homes:

  1. Every dollar invested in WAP returns over $4 to society in energy, health, and safety benefits.

  2. Weatherization has been shown to reduce the symptoms of asthma by 11.8%.

  3. Weatherization saves households an average of 30% on heating costs.

  4. Weatherization saves families with low-incomes $283 per year on average in energy costs, lowering their energy burden.

  5. Weatherized households save, on average, $514 per year in out-of-pocket medical expenses.

To date, the Weatherization Assistance Program has weatherized over 7.4 million homes since 1976. Please join us on social media celebrating Weatherization Day by using the hashtag #WXDayOct30. To learn more about WAP, visit the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

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Campfire Communications